In the world of crochet, we often suggest beginners to start with crocheting in the round, as this prevents frequent interruptions and turning of the work. But in crocheting in the round, how do you keep track of your position?
Guide on How to Properly Use a Stitch Marker to Track Progress We strongly recommend placing a stitch marker under the top loops of your first stitch at the start of each round for several reasons:
Spot mistakes: By placing a stitch marker at the beginning of each, you can quickly identify errors. After completing a round, count your stitches to ensure consistency with the specified pattern.
Recover stitch count: In the event of losing count, the stitch marker is an important reference. Restart your count from the stitch marked by the stitch marker to quickly retrieve your crochet position.
Correct mistakes efficiently: Mistakes are inevitable in the crochet process, but with the stitch marker in place, error correction becomes more focused, avoiding the need to unravel the entire project and making your crafting experience more enjoyable.
1.Complete the first stitch of the round.
2.Place your stitch marker under the top loops of the stitch you just made, securing it like a safety pin.
3.Continue crocheting the rest of the round as you normally would. When you have crocheted into the last hole before the stitch marker, you have completed that round. Starting from the marked stitch, count the number of stitches in that round (Note: the loop on the hook does not count as a stitch). If it matches with the pattern, congratulations! You can proceed to crochet the next round.